Fixing Your Sleep Schedule

An important aspect of self-care that we often end up neglecting is making sure that you’re always well-rested every morning. A full seven hours of sleep each night can go a long way in helping to fight stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. But, sometimes, life can get in the way, and we suddenly find ourselves unable to get our much-needed rest. Luckily, we’ve got some easy to follow tips right here, for those who need help getting themselves a goodnight.

1. Set an alarm

The only thing as important as making sure you’ve gotten the sleep you need is knowing when to wake up. As tempting as it is to lay in bed for a little while longer, but life wakes up earlier than you. Whether there’s a course that begins very early, or a deadline you can’t afford to miss, oversleeping is a threat. Setting an alarm is your lifesaver, as it will train you to wake up as early as you need to.

2. Track your sleep

If you’re not getting the sleep you need and you’re working on getting more, it’s important to know your progress. Keeping a nightly record of how many hours you’re sleeping, shows your improvement and how much still must be done.. The Prosper app provides an accessible way to do so through it’s “Check In” feature, under the section titled “Sleep”. Simply press the “Record Sleep” button, scroll through the hours and pick the one you slept for your daily log.

3. Mute outside noises

Maybe, the problem isn’t necessarily with you but moreso, external sources that interfere with your hopes of a silent night. Maybe it’s noisy neighbors outside, or even your own dormmates who aren’t as worried about sleep as you. Either way, silence loud noises by making sure your windows are closed and all non-essential devices are off before bed. For seemingly unavoidable sounds, consider getting headphones that come with noise-cancelling and white noise features you can wear to bed.

4. Managing Late-night stress

Sometimes, what’s keeping us from a good night’s sleep runs deeper than loud noises or needing to wake up early. Maybe, anxieties about an upcoming test, or unresolved issues from earlier on in the day are what’s keeping you up Prosper, yet again, is a big helper as its Explore feature provides some accessible methods to destress for the night. Through soothing ambience to listen to, and meditation practices, you can help yourself by calming your late-night stresses before bed.

5. Take some time to rest

Spending time to get the rest that you need doesn’t have to be limited to just the really late hours. If you find yourself with some free time, you could do yourself a favor by taking a nap during it. As for sleeping around a schedule, consider if you really need to stay up for as long as you do. Choosing how much time you wish to spend awake leaves a major impact on how much time you spend asleep.